5 min read

Branded Podcasts & Why Have One

Written by
Matt Cheney
Published on
June 11, 2024

In today's digital landscape, businesses of all sizes are on a constant quest to find innovative ways to connect with their audiences. Enter the branded podcast—a compelling audio series crafted specifically to represent a brand's ethos, voice, and values. Unlike traditional advertising, which can sometimes feel intrusive, a branded podcast offers listeners insightful, entertaining, or educational content while subtly promoting the brand behind it.

Over recent years, these podcasts have seen a meteoric rise in the world of content marketing. Think of them as a modern bridge between entertainment and marketing, a medium where storytelling intersects with brand messaging. For SMEs looking to break through the noise and cultivate genuine connections with their audience, a branded podcast could be the golden ticket.

The beauty of a branded podcast lies in its versatility and depth. Whether you're a tech startup sharing industry insights, a local bakery discussing recipes and baking tips, or a niche apparel brand interviewing fashion influencers, the opportunities are boundless. All that's required is a clear vision and a passion for sharing your brand's unique story.

Now, let's delve deeper into the world of branded podcasts, uncovering the multitude of benefits they offer and the strategies that can make yours stand out.

Facts and figures about the rise of branded podcasts in content marketing
  1. Podcast ad spending in the U.S. was expected to reach $2.2 billion in 2023, a 27% increase from 2022.
  2. Businesses that invest in a branded podcast can see a considerable uplift in engagement, brand awareness (89%), brand favourability (24%), and even purchase intent (14%), compared to other channels like video or blogging.
  3. Branded podcasts have seen incredibly high engagement rates, with 85% completion rates, which dwarf what is seen in social media and video.
  4. In 2022, 85% of marketers planned to keep investing in podcasts.
  5. According to a study by Lower Street and ContentFX, 51% of senior individuals in the business sector across the US and UK, including owners, executives, leadership team members, and managers, listen to podcasts daily, and an additional 24% reported listening between 2 and 5 times a week on average.
  6. The podcasting industry saw an 82% increase in branded content from 2020 to 2021.

These facts and figures demonstrate the growing popularity and impact of branded podcasts in content marketing. As more businesses recognise the potential of this medium to reach and engage their target audience, we can expect to see continued growth and investment in branded podcasts.

Benefits of Branded Podcasts

The digital landscape is vast, and amidst the myriad of content vying for attention, branded podcasts have emerged as a distinctive way to leave an impression. Here's why:

Engaging and immersive content

Unlike a fleeting social media post or a skippable ad, podcasts offer an immersive experience. Listeners usually tune in during their commute, workouts, or downtime, allowing brands to hold their attention for longer durations. This sustained engagement translates to deeper connections.

Connect with consumers without being invasive

Consumers are savvy. They know when they're being sold to and, more often than not, they don’t appreciate it. Branded podcasts enable businesses to foster relationships in an organic, non-salesy manner. By offering value, be it through insights, entertainment, or education, brands can weave their narrative seamlessly into episodes.

Build brand awareness and loyalty

Regular episodes help maintain top-of-mind awareness. Over time, as listeners resonate with the content, they start associating positive experiences with the brand, which eventually fosters loyalty.

Reach specific target audiences

Podcasts can be niche. Whether you're discussing industry-specific topics, local events, or particular interests, you're likely to attract a segmented, engaged audience. This precision is especially beneficial for brands looking to address a particular demographic or psychographic segment.

Generate leads and drive website traffic

By integrating call-to-actions smartly, like offering additional resources on your website or exclusive deals for listeners, podcasts can serve as a funnel leading audiences to desired actions.

Strengthen brand narrative and messaging

Every brand has a story, and a podcast offers a canvas to paint it vividly. Whether it's the founder's journey, the company's mission, or the behind-the-scenes of product creation, podcasts can deep dive into narratives, solidifying brand identity.

Key Strategies to Build a Podcast Brand

Creating a branded podcast isn't just about curating relevant topics or inviting esteemed guests. It's a holistic process that involves developing a strong brand identity that resonates with listeners and makes your podcast stand out. Let's delve deeper into the vital strategies that can make your podcast synonymous with quality, trust, and value:

Focus on your podcast audience and create value for them
  • Audience Profiling: Before producing any content, paint a clear picture of your ideal listener. Are they start-up owners, marketing professionals, or industry novices? Pinpointing your audience aids in tailoring your content to their specific needs.
  • Value Proposition: Always ask: "Why should someone listen to this episode?" Your content should consistently deliver value, whether it's insights, entertainment, or both.

Create podcast visuals
  • Cover Art: This is the first thing potential listeners see. It should be both compelling and reflective of your podcast's essence. Think of it as the book cover for your brand's story.
  • Episode Thumbnails: For platforms that support it, custom thumbnails for each episode can tease the content and draw listeners in.
  • Consistent Branding: Colour schemes, typography, and logos should align with your overall brand, creating a cohesive visual experience across all touch points.

Establish a brand voice
  • Tonal Consistency: Whether you're opting for a laid-back conversational tone or a more formal, interview-style approach, consistency is vital. This helps listeners set expectations and build a familiar connection with your brand.
  • Storytelling: Weave stories into your content. Narrative elements can make complex topics more digestible and relatable. Plus, stories are memorable, increasing the chances of listeners returning for more.

Maintain consistency in branding and content
  • Content Calendar: Plan your episodes in advance. Having a clear roadmap helps maintain a steady release schedule, keeping your audience engaged and anticipating the next episode.
  • Branding Elements: Utilise recurring elements, like specific intro-outro music, signature sign-offs, or episode structures. These create a rhythm that listeners grow fond of, enhancing brand recall.
  • Feedback Loop: Engage with your listeners. Whether it's through comments, emails, or social media, understanding their feedback can offer insights into what's working and what needs tweaking.

A branded podcast is, in many ways, a journey you embark on with your listeners. It's about building a brand voice that echoes in the minds of your audience long after an episode ends. Every detail, from the visuals to the content rhythm, should be meticulously curated to ensure that your podcast not just exists but thrives and resonates.

Planning and Creating a Branded Podcast

Identify your target audience

Demographics & Psychographics:

  • Age and Gender: Are you targeting young professionals, middle-aged managers, or seasoned industry leaders?
  • Job Roles & Industry: This is essential for a B2B podcast. Knowing whether you're addressing IT specialists, marketers, finance professionals, or another niche will significantly influence your content.
  • Interests & Challenges: Understand what keeps your audience engaged and what problems they're trying to solve.

Audience Listening Habits:

  • Preferred Platforms: Do they predominantly use Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or another platform?
  • Duration Preference: Are they looking for quick 15-minute episodes or more in-depth hour-long sessions?
  • Frequency: Daily, weekly, or monthly? Understanding this can help you optimise your publishing schedule.

Define your objectives
  • Brand Awareness: Crafting content that's shareable can help your brand reach new ears.
  • Engagement & Loyalty: Deep-dive topics, series, or interactive sessions can enhance listener engagement.
  • Lead Generation: Design episodes with strong CTAs (calls to action) directing listeners to specific webpages or offers.

Research competitors and industry trends

Gap Analysis:

  • Content Void: Maybe there's a pressing issue no one is discussing.
  • Different Perspective: Offer a fresh viewpoint on popular topics.


  • Emerging Tech: Consider tools like interactive audio ads, which allow listeners to verbally engage with your content.
  • New Formats: Roundtable discussions, debates, or serialised narratives might differentiate your podcast.

Develop your podcast idea
  • Theme and Format: Interviews: Great for expert insights and diverse viewpoints.
  • Narrative: Weaving a story around a concept can be highly engaging.
  • Mixed Mode: Alternate between various formats to keep content fresh.

Episode Topics:

  • Audience Surveys: Directly ask your audience about the topics they're interested in.
  • Industry Events: Cover the latest happenings and trends in your industry.

Collaborate with a production team or agency

In-House vs. Outsourced:

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Weigh the costs of hiring professionals versus training your team.
  • Quality Control: Outsourcing might offer better audio quality and editing, but ensure the content remains authentic to your brand.

Equipment & Software:

  • Microphones: Invest in condenser mics for studio-like quality.
  • Editing Software: Tools like Audacity or Adobe Audition are industry favourites.
  • Soundproofing: Even simple measures like foam panels can make a difference.

Prepare and record episodes in advance


  • Efficiency: Recording multiple episodes reduces setup and breakdown times.
  • Continuity: It's easier to maintain consistent energy and tone.


  • Professional Touch: Consider hiring a professional editor for polished content.
  • Intro & Outro: Craft compelling intro and outro segments for branding and CTAs.

Remember, crafting a branded podcast is not just about creating content—it's about forging a connection. By meticulously planning and producing your podcast, you ensure that it resonates with its intended audience, making it a valuable asset in your content strategy.

Launching and Promoting Your Branded Podcast

Distribute your podcast on major platforms

Platform Diversity:

  • Apple Podcasts: Often the go-to for many new podcast listeners, Apple Podcasts offers a massive ecosystem of devoted Apple users who sync their listening experience across devices.
  • Spotify: Beyond its reputation for music, Spotify has significantly increased its commitment to podcasts. With its detailed analytics, it’s a great platform to understand your listener demographics.
  • Google Podcasts: A must-have for Android users, providing easy accessibility for Google users.
  • Stitcher and Pocket Casts: Both platforms cater to devoted podcast listeners and have unique features that make podcast discovery straightforward for their users.

Choosing the Right Hosting Platform:

  • Captivate.fm: Beyond its basics of secure, unlimited hosting, Captivate.fm positions itself as the "world's only growth-oriented podcast host." Features such as a podcast website builder, in-depth listener analytics, one-click sponsor kits, and a vast array of marketing integrations set it apart. Their focus is to aid podcasters in expanding their listener base while providing them with tools to monetise efficiently.
  • Others: While Captivate.fm offers a comprehensive package, platforms like Libsyn provide granular control over release schedules, and Podbean offers an integrated monetisation system. Assess your brand's specific needs when choosing.

Integrate your podcast into your overall marketing strategy

Blog Integration:

  • Show Notes: Offering an in-depth analysis or summary of your podcast episodes, inclusive of timestamped topics discussed, can make it more accessible for your audience.
  • Transcriptions: Having a word-for-word transcription not only benefits the SEO of your website but also caters to those who might prefer reading over listening.
  • Spin-Off Articles: Delve deeper into topics that resonated with your audience. Create detailed articles or a series, referencing the podcast and providing more comprehensive information.


  • Visual Summaries: Create graphic summaries or infographics from key points discussed in your podcast. This visual approach can be a quick reference guide and a shareable piece of content.
  • Quotes: Extract powerful quotes from your episodes, overlay them on brand-aligned visuals and share them across social media platforms. This can incite curiosity and drive listeners to your episodes.

Video Integration:

  • Behind-the-Scenes Footage: Sharing the process of creating an episode or the environment can make the audience feel more connected to your brand.
  • Interview Highlights: If your podcast involves interviews, video snippets of thought-provoking or insightful discussions can pique interest.
  • Animated Insights: Consider creating animated videos that illustrate some of the major points or stories discussed in the podcast, offering a visual representation of your content.

Email Marketing:

  • Newsletter Highlights: If you have an existing email list, use it to highlight recent episodes, upcoming guests, or themes you're exploring.
  • Listener Interactions: Engage your subscribers with exclusive content, behind-the-scenes peeks, or early-access episodes.
  • Feedback Loop: Utilise email to gather feedback, episode ideas, or potential Q&A segments.

Collaborate & Cross-Promotion:

  • Guest Collaboration: Leverage the networks of your podcast guests. Encourage them to share the episode with their audience, leading to a wider reach and potential new subscribers.
  • Platform Exchanges: Collaborate with other podcasts or platforms to promote each other. This can include shout-outs, guest appearances, or shared content.

Leverage User-Generated Content:

  • Listeners' Perspectives: Encourage listeners to share their perspectives, learnings, or favourite moments from episodes. Repurpose this feedback as content to promote your podcast.
  • Community Features: Create community spotlights or feature listener insights in your promotional efforts, making your audience feel valued and integral to your podcast's growth.

Utilise social media and other channels for promotion

Engage & Share:

  • Twitter: Beyond just sharing episode links, consider running a summarised thread of each episode's major takeaways. Engage with listeners through polls, Q&A sessions, or even clubhouse-style voice chats.
  • Instagram: Make the most of stories by sharing behind-the-scenes content, polls, and Q&A sessions. Your main feed can have episode announcements, key takeaways in carousel formats, and even snippets from the episode.
  • LinkedIn: Particularly potent for B2B and professional genre podcasts. Share clips, discuss broader industry trends, and utilise the 'articles' feature for in-depth content.

Community Engagement: Beyond sharing, active participation in communities, like relevant Facebook groups, Reddit threads, or even specialised platforms like Podchaser, can foster organic growth. Remember, the goal is to provide value, not just promote.

Monitor performance and adapt as needed

Key Metrics to Monitor:

  • Engagement Metrics: Focus on how long listeners stay engaged with an episode. Track metrics like average listening duration and at which points in the episode listeners tend to drop off.
  • Consumption Patterns: Understand the days and times your audience prefers to tune in. This can guide you in optimising your episode release schedule.
  • Feedback & Reviews: Encourage listeners to share feedback via comments, reviews, or direct emails. Regularly checking these can offer unfiltered insights into how your audience perceives your content.

By intertwining your podcast with your overarching marketing strategy, you not only bolster the reach and influence of your podcast but also amplify the resonance and depth of your brand's voice across multiple channels.

Examples of Successful Branded Podcasts

"The Message" by GE Podcast Theatre
  • Background: General Electric, predominantly known for its industrial products, collaborated with Panoply to produce "The Message". It’s a science fiction podcast about cryptographers who unearth an alien message.
  • Why it Worked: Instead of a direct product promotion, GE cleverly embedded its brand by showcasing its innovation-driven persona. The podcast captivated listeners, ranking No. 1 on iTunes during its time, and subtly underlined GE’s commitment to advanced technology.

"The Growth Show" by HubSpot
  • Background: HubSpot, a company offering a platform for marketing, sales, and customer service, introduced "The Growth Show". This podcast is tailored to entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts and covers stories of remarkable business growth.
  • Why it Worked: HubSpot's podcast augments its brand image as a growth enabler. The value-driven content, coupled with expert interviews, reinforced HubSpot's position as a thought leader in the business growth space.

"The Secret to Victory" by Gatorade
  • Background: Gatorade, widely recognised for its sports beverages, partnered with Gimlet Media to create "The Secret to Victory". This podcast features athletes narrating their failures and the lessons they've derived from them.
  • Why it Worked: Rather than focusing solely on winning, Gatorade opted for a nuanced approach – the growth that stems from failure. This perspective solidified Gatorade’s brand image as a companion in every athlete's journey, not just the victories.

"WorkLife with Adam Grant" by TED
  • Background: TED, the platform famed for its talks, branched out into the podcast realm with "WorkLife". Hosted by organisational psychologist Adam Grant, it dissects unconventional workplaces to discern unique practices.
  • Why it Worked: Given TED's reputation for propagating groundbreaking ideas, "WorkLife" seamlessly fits into its brand narrative. The podcast extends TED’s philosophy into the corporate sphere, making listeners rethink their work habits and environments.

"Sound Matters" by Bang & Olufsen
  • Background: Bang & Olufsen, a luxury electronics brand, rolled out "Sound Matters". It’s a series that delves into the soundscape around us, highlighting the significance of sounds in our lives.
  • Why it Worked: Instead of concentrating on product features, Bang & Olufsen emphasised the art and beauty of sound. The immersive audio experience in each episode underscores the brand's premium audio quality without overt advertising. These examples underscore the potential of branded podcasts. Instead of direct marketing, these companies tell engaging stories, subtly weaving their brand narrative and ethos into content that their target audience finds compelling.

By analysing successful branded podcasts, businesses can derive valuable insights, ensuring they not only create a podcast that resonates with their intended audience but also amplifies their brand message in a subtle yet impactful manner.


In the ever-evolving landscape of content marketing, the branded podcast has emerged as a key player. Offering a unique blend of entertainment, education, and authentic brand storytelling, it's more than just a marketing trend – it's a powerful tool to foster deeper connections with audiences.

For businesses, especially those with a smaller decision-making group, diving into the world of branded podcasting can feel daunting. Yet, as this guide has demonstrated, the benefits outweigh the challenges. By focusing on audience value, consistent branding, and strategic promotion, any business can create a podcast that not only amplifies their brand voice but also drives genuine engagement.

And while there's no one-size-fits-all approach, one thing remains clear: branded podcasts are here to stay. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a business owner looking to dip your toes into podcasting, now is the time to harness the power of this medium. By prioritising engaging content, leveraging platforms like Captivate.fm for insightful metrics, and continuously adapting to feedback, your branded podcast can become a cornerstone of your marketing strategy.

Remember, every great podcast started with a single idea and a passion for storytelling. With careful planning, dedication, and the right tools at your disposal, your branded podcast could be the next big thing in your industry.

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