5 min read

How to make money online

Written by
Matt Cheney
Published on
June 11, 2024

How Founders & Brands Make Money Online

In the world of business, the digital landscape is constantly evolving, promising unparalleled opportunities for growth. For founders and marketing leaders, especially those who've dipped their toes into content creation, the world of online monetisation beckons with potential. However, navigating this world can be treacherous. Many have ventured, invested time and money, only to return disheartened, pockets no fuller than before, wondering where they went wrong.

Yet success stories are abundant. There are businesses and individuals, not much different from you, who've harnessed the power of online content to not only boost their brand visibility but also generate substantial revenue. The difference? A strategic approach, informed decisions, and consistent action.

In this guide, we'll explore proven strategies to monetise your online presence effectively. From podcasting to YouTube, from social media content to affiliate marketing, and the compelling narrative of branded interview videos, we've got it all covered.

Moreover, for those who feel they've tried and not succeeded, this guide serves as a compass, directing you to what works, showing you real-world examples, and helping you make the most of your content creation efforts.

It's not just about making money; it's about building trust, establishing authority, and positioning yourself as a thought leader in your niche. Ready to dive deep? Let's journey together towards creating a thriving online revenue stream. And if you're ever in doubt, OneFinePlay is here with more content to guide you every step of the way.

Podcast Monetisation

The power of the spoken word has undergone a digital transformation. As we stand on the precipice of the podcasting revolution, businesses everywhere are starting to realise the untapped potential of this medium. Yet, while podcasting can boost brand recognition and foster deep community engagement, it also harbours significant potential for revenue generation.

Benefits of Podcasting for Businesses
  • Engagement and Loyalty: Unlike many other forms of content, podcasts offer an opportunity for businesses to engage with their audience for extended periods, often running into tens of minutes if not hours. This prolonged engagement fosters loyalty and builds stronger brand relationships.
  • Authority and Trust: Having a platform where you share insights, interview experts, or delve deep into industry topics can establish your brand as an authoritative voice in your niche.
  • Flexibility and Accessibility: Podcasts can be consumed anytime, anywhere, whether it's during a commute, a workout, or even while doing household chores. This offers businesses a unique way to be part of their audience's daily routines.

Strategies to Monetise Podcasts

  • Sponsorships: One of the most common forms of podcast monetisation, sponsorships involve brands paying to get their message or product promoted on your podcast. For example, Basecamp famously sponsored the popular podcast "The Tim Ferriss Show," which aligns with their target audience of productivity enthusiasts and professionals.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Incorporate products or services relevant to your audience and earn a commission on every sale made through your referral. For instance, if you're running a tech podcast, reviewing or recommending tech tools with an affiliate link can be profitable.
  • Donations and Crowdfunding: Platforms like Patreon offer podcasters a chance to get support directly from their listeners. Fans can pledge a certain amount every month, giving creators a predictable income stream in exchange for exclusive content or other perks.
  • Premium Content and Memberships: Offer additional content, such as extended interviews, ad-free episodes, or bonus content, to listeners willing to pay a subscription fee. Platforms like Supercast make this possible.
  • Repurposing Content: Convert your podcast episodes into blog posts, infographics, or even course materials. For instance, a deep dive into an industry topic in your podcast can be repurposed into a comprehensive blog post, amplifying its reach and potentially driving traffic back to your podcast.

Podcasting is more than just a content medium; it's an opportunity to carve out a niche, build a devoted audience, and then leverage that engagement for revenue. But remember, monetisation should always align with the value you're providing to your listeners. Disrupting the content with misaligned sponsorships or excessive ads can turn away your hard-earned audience.

Content Creation for Social Media

In the modern age of digital ubiquity, content is king. The right content can act as the bridge between a business and its potential customers, fostering connections, building trust, and guiding purchasing decisions. Social media platforms, due to their vast user bases and engagement-driven algorithms, are potent tools in this content-centric paradigm.

The role of social media in content marketing
  • Community Building: Social media platforms are communities at their core. By actively participating and sharing valuable content, businesses can create and nurture their communities, turning casual followers into loyal fans.
  • Rapid Feedback Loop: The interactive nature of social media allows businesses to get immediate feedback on their content, helping them adjust and refine their strategy in real-time.
  • Extended Reach: With shareable content, the reach of social media is almost limitless. A single piece of high-quality, relatable content can go viral, catapulting a brand into the limelight overnight.

Types of content to create for social media
  • Educational Content: Knowledge is power, and audiences appreciate brands that empower them. Create infographics, short video explainers, or even 'Did You Know?' posts that provide value by teaching something new or breaking down complex subjects. Example: Dropbox Business often shares tips and tricks on productivity, collaboration, and remote work on its social channels, positioning itself as not just a tool but a partner in business growth.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Show the human side of your business. From office tours to a day in the life of an employee, giving a sneak peek behind the curtain can make your brand more relatable and trustworthy.
  • User-Generated Content: Encourage your users or customers to share their experiences with your products or services. Reposting their content (with permission) not only builds trust but also creates a sense of community. Example: GoPro consistently features videos and images taken by its users, showcasing the potential of its product while building a community of enthusiasts.
  • Collaborations and Partnerships: Team up with complementary brands or influencers in your industry for content collaborations. Joint webinars, takeover events, or co-authored articles can bring fresh perspectives and tap into new audiences. Example: Adobe often collaborates with artists and designers on its social platforms, highlighting their work while showcasing the capabilities of Adobe products.

Promoting and Repurposing Your Content for Social Media:
  • Tailor Content for Each Platform: An Instagram post might not work verbatim on LinkedIn. Customise content to fit the unique nuances of each platform for maximum impact.
  • Use Story Features: Platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn now have 'stories' that allow for more ephemeral, casual sharing. These can be ideal for quick updates, limited-time offers, or sharing moments from live events.
  • Convert Long-form Content: If you have a lengthy podcast episode or a detailed article, break it down into bite-sized chunks suitable for social media. Short clips, quote graphics, or even carousel posts can deliver the essence of your long-form content in a digestible format.

Diving into social media content creation can seem overwhelming, given the plethora of platforms and ever-evolving trends. However, by understanding their audience, offering genuine value, and staying authentic, businesses can harness the true potential of social media.

YouTube Monetisation

YouTube is not just a video-sharing platform; it's a bustling marketplace for businesses to monetise content and increase brand visibility. With over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, the potential for business growth on YouTube is vast.

Benefits of YouTube for Businesses
  • Global Reach: YouTube's massive user base spans across countries, cultures, and demographics, enabling businesses to reach global audiences with ease.
  • SEO boost: Because YouTube is a Google property, it frequently appears in search results, expanding its organic reach and increasing website traffic.
  • Community Building: The interactive nature of YouTube, with its comment sections and user engagement metrics, facilitates community building around a brand or product.
  • Trust Building Through Video: Video content can humanise a brand, demonstrate product functionality in real-time, and allow for deeper storytelling than static content.

Strategies to Monetise YouTube Content
  • YouTube Partner Programme (YPP): Once you meet the eligibility criteria, including 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months, you can apply for the YPP. It allows creators to earn money from ads displayed on their videos.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Review or discuss products and provide affiliate links in the video description. Every sale made through that link can earn you a commission. Example: Tech reviewers often share links to products they discuss, making a commission on each sale made through their links.
  • Sponsored Content: Collaborate with brands to create content around their product or service in exchange for a fee. However, it's crucial to disclose these collaborations to maintain transparency with your audience. Example: Casey Neistat, a popular YouTuber, often collaborates with brands like Nike, integrating their products seamlessly into his storytelling.
  • Licencing Videos: If you create original, compelling content, other platforms or news agencies might want to use it. By licensing your videos, you can earn a fee for their use.
  • Selling Merchandise: Create and sell brand-specific merchandise to your loyal subscribers. Platforms like Teespring can even be integrated directly with YouTube to showcase products beneath videos. Example: YouTubers like Philip DeFranco have successfully launched and promoted their merchandise lines directly through their channels.

Promoting Your YouTube Channel:
  • Cross-Promotion on Social Media: Share video snippets, thumbnails, or even behind-the-scenes content on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to draw traffic to your YouTube videos.
  • Engaging Thumbnails and Titles: These are the first things viewers see. Make them catchy and relevant to increase click-through rates.
  • Collaborate with Other YouTubers: Engage in mutual shout-outs, feature each other's videos, or even create joint content to tap into new audiences.
  • Optimise Video Descriptions and Tags: Make your videos easily discoverable by using relevant keywords, detailed descriptions, and tags.

Diversifying revenue streams on YouTube requires both creativity and strategic planning. With consistent content, audience engagement, and the right monetisation tactics, businesses can transform their YouTube channels into significant revenue generators.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing stands as a lucrative approach to earning income online without the need to create a product or service. At its core, this strategy involves promoting another company's product and earning a commission for each sale made through your unique referral link.

How Affiliate Marketing Works
  • Partner with Companies: You’ll establish partnerships with companies offering affiliate programmes. They provide you with a unique link that tracks referrals.
  • Promote Products and Services: Using your platforms (whether it's a blog, podcast, YouTube channel, or social media), you promote these products and services.
  • Earn Commissions: For every sale, or sometimes even a click, made through your link, you earn a commission.

Choosing the Right Affiliate Programmes
  • Relevance: Opt for products or services that align with your business niche and your audience's interests.
  • Commission Structure: Some programmes offer higher commissions than others. Look for a balance between a good product and a reasonable commission.
  • Reputation: Partner with reputable brands or platforms. Research and look for reviews about the affiliate programme.

Tips for Successful Affiliate Marketing
  • Authentic Recommendations: Only promote products or services you genuinely believe in or have used. Authenticity builds trust with your audience.
  • Clear Disclosure: Always disclose to your audience that you're using affiliate links. It's a best practise and often a legal requirement.
  • Integrated Content: Instead of blatant promotion, integrate affiliate products naturally within your content. For instance, if you're a marketing podcaster, weave in a tool you use (and have an affiliate link for) when discussing certain strategies.
  • Track and Optimise: Use analytics tools to track which products are getting more clicks and sales. Adapt your strategy based on these insights.
  • Promote Deals and Offers: Let your audience know about special deals or offers related to your affiliate products. It can be a win-win, with your audience getting a deal and you earning a commission. Example: Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income has transparently shared his success with affiliate marketing over the years. He intertwines genuine product recommendations within his content, leading to significant affiliate revenue.

Affiliate marketing can be a significant revenue stream if done right, especially for businesses that have a strong online presence and an engaged audience. Remember, the key lies in the genuine recommendations and value you bring to your audience.

Branded Interview Videos

Branded interview videos have emerged as one of the most impactful content formats in today's digital age. These videos harness the power of storytelling, offering audiences an intimate glimpse into the lives, experiences, and insights of real individuals. Whether it's an inspiring founder's journey, an employee's passionate dedication, or a satisfied customer's testimonial, these interviews craft a genuine, relatable narrative around a brand.

Types of Branded Interview Videos:
  • Founder Stories: These delve into the origin story of a company, providing insights about its mission, challenges, and triumphs. It's a great way to humanise your brand. Example: Shopify has a series where they interview entrepreneurs about their journeys, inherently promoting their platform's utility through success stories.
  • Employee Stories: Highlight the individuals behind your brand. From the engineer who fine-tuned your product to the customer service rep providing impeccable support, their stories can resonate deeply with audiences. Example: Starbucks has showcased its employees (or partners," as they call them) and their personal stories, enriching their brand narrative.
  • Customer Testimonials: These are powerful endorsements, showing prospective customers the value and impact of your products or services. Example: Slack's video testimonials, featuring companies like Sandwich Video, present the real-life benefits of their platform.
  • Expert Interviews: By bringing in industry experts and thought leaders for a chat, you not only provide valuable insights but also associate your brand with industry-leading knowledge. Example: HubSpot's interview series with marketing experts establishes them as a thought leader in the marketing sector.

Tips for Creating Professional-Branded Interview Videos:
  • Plan Meticulously: Prior to the interview, outline the major talking points and research your subject. This ensures a smooth flow during the interview.
  • Prioritise Authenticity: Encourage interviewees to be themselves and share genuine experiences. Avoid scripted answers as much as possible.
  • Invest in Quality: Ensure good video and audio quality. Use proper lighting and a clear, noise-free environment. A professional setup can significantly enhance the viewer's experience.
  • Engage and Inform: While storytelling is paramount, remember to weave in informative content that brings value to your audience.
  • Promote Actively: Once your video is live, ensure it reaches your target audience. Share it on your social channels, embed it in relevant blog posts, and even consider using it in email campaigns.
  • Repurpose Content: Extract snippets, quotes, or short clips from your interview and share them as standalone content pieces across different platforms.

Branded interviews provide an unparalleled way to build trust and rapport with your audience. They don't just sell a product or service; they sell an experience, a journey, and a story. As you embark on creating these narratives, always keep the essence of your brand and the value for your audience at the forefront.


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking avenues to generate online revenue and effectively communicate their brand values. But it's not just about being online; it's about being impactful, authentic, and resonant with your target audience.

From the immersive world of podcasting to the visual narratives of branded interview videos, the possibilities are both vast and varied. And while there are multiple ways to make money online, the most fruitful endeavours combine effective strategy with genuine storytelling. Whether it's a podcast episode shedding light on a trending industry topic or a YouTube video providing a behind-the-scenes glimpse, content that strikes a chord with its audience can translate to not only monetary gains but also lasting brand loyalty.

For founders and marketing leaders, especially those who might have previously felt lost in the expansive realm of content creation, it's crucial to understand one thing: every piece of content is an extension of your brand's voice. And in a crowded online space, a unique, genuine voice can be the distinguishing factor between fleeting interest and enduring engagement.Diversifying income streams, adapting strategies to your specific business and audience, and continuously honing your content creation skills are not mere recommendations—they're necessities in today's digital age. With the tools and tactics at your disposal, the online world can indeed be a lucrative platform.

As you chart your course in the digital sea, let OneFinePlay be your guiding star. Dive deeper into our vast repository of insights, strategies, and real-world examples to ensure your online content not only thrives but also effectively monetises.Remember, in the realm of content creation, there's always room for innovation, iteration, and growth. And as you embark on this journey, know that OneFinePlay is right beside you every step of the way.

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